Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Androscoggin Valley Country Club (Gorham, NH)

It was purely happenstance that I found myself at Androscoggin Valley. We were suppose to drive up Mt Washington but the visibility was poor so we got a room at the Town and Country Inn and waited to go the next morning. The golf course was literally across the street so we decided to mosey on over and check it out. 

This region of New Hampshire is all about nature. Hiking is the foremost activity, and judging by the guys at the coffee shop, ATVing is not too far behind. The White Mountains are a beautiful backdrop and Androscoggin reaps the benefits of being among them. The course was in rough shape when we played it but there are a few things I think deserve comment. 

Androscoggin Valley was designed in 1922 by a golf professional out of Maine named Alex Chisholm. He was the head pro at Portland CC and was the winner of the Maine Open in 1928 and 1929. One can tell the course was laid out in separate eras. The older holes have filled in cross bunkers that are well back of the greens. This is the style Chisholm would have used, basically carry the sand and let the ball bounce in. The newer holes have mounded greens which accept the aerial game. They’re also on property that is literally  on the other side of the tracks. A live train uses the line and it’s up to golfers to be smart enough not to get hit. I’ve never seen anything like it before. 

The golf course itself was not much but I’m surprised that there are no views of the Androscoggin River that runs behind the practice putting green and the first few holes. Just something that simple would go a long way making this a more enjoyable round of golf. It’s a 3 (average)(worth driving 15-30 minutes) but out here where just being outside is why everyone shows up, it’s more than enough. 

[Driving up Mount Washington is amazing! If one is afraid of heights, this might not be more than you can handle, but believe me, it’s worth it. Visibility was 90 miles! From the top, one can see two states and Canada. It’s an unbelievable adventure!]

Yes you will drive above the clouds! 

Enjoy the experience!

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